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Nov 21 - grave.jpg (577416 bytes)   Nov 21 - E 1.jpg (458894 bytes)  Nov 21 - K E 1.jpg (428332 bytes)  Visiting Daddy - Nov 21, 2002
Brownies - Eric.jpg (236276 bytes)  Brownies - Katherine.jpg (293327 bytes)   Eric and Katherine "helping" Mama make brownies.  Eric enjoyed licking the spatula and Katherine finger painted on herself, the floor, wall, etc.... :-)
 Backyard - leaves K E 1.jpg (374698 bytes)   Backyard - leaves E 2.jpg (464719 bytes) Playing in the leaves.  (They have pop corn in the bags)
Back Yard - E 1.jpg (277564 bytes)  Back Yard - K 1.jpg (239372 bytes)  Back Yard - K giving E kiss 1.jpg (353235 bytes)    Playing in the back yard.
  St Louis Zoo - E K 2.jpg (411464 bytes)  Visiting the goats at the St. Louis Zoo

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Thursday, 21 November 2002 06:46 PM