31 Oct, Wed |
Sorry about the date problem. I was not paying
Lars is doing much better - he is still pretty weak from the stomach
virus (on top of chemo). Tonight Lars, Lois, Svend and I got
Eric and Katherine ready for Halloween. |
29 Oct, Mon |
Contacted Drs. office and told them about Lars' upset
stomach. They think it is due to the virus after we
explained. Lars is on clear liquids today.
PM Lars is feeling much better and is back on milk
shakes. Lois is feeling better too. |
28 Oct, Sun |
We attempted to go to church this morning and Lars
started not feeling well half way through so we came home. He felt
really good about trying to go. Lars threw up three times today and
his stomach was upset all day. Katherine and Eric had the same thing
on Thursday/Friday morning and Lars said it did not feel like the chemo
was causing his upset stomach. Lois also came down with the same
thing today (she spent the day in bed also). |
26 Oct, Fri |
Sorry all Lars had a good friend (Ryan Collier - Eric and
Katherine's godfather) in town until Saturday and we forgot to update the
web page.
Lars had chemo on Friday it went smoothly until the last 15 minutes
when he started to get cramps in his colon again. The Dr. gave him
medicine to control the cramps and they dissipated. Lars also had a
CT scan after receiving chemo - no change. Next CT scan will be in
three weeks. |
19 Oct, Fri |
Had chemo today. |
18 Oct, Thu |
Today is starting out better than Wednesday. My
stomach has settled down and so I am able to get up and around
better. I even have a couple of appointments to go to this
Now the next thing is getting ready for Friday's chemo treatment. |
17 Oct, Wed |
Sorry for the lack of updates this week but there has not
really been much to tell. Monday and Tuesday were pretty good days,
but Wednesday had been pretty bad, mainly due to nausea. Spent most
of the day resting and trying to get comfortable. |
14 Oct, Sun |
I feel much better today. By noon I have already
been out for two walks around the block. It doesn't seem like much,
but for me it is quite an accomplishment only two days after chemo.
Still a little tired, but I am going to grab a nap now, and that should
help. |
13 Oct, Sat |
Not a real good day. Very tired, and I got sick to
my stomach twice. Dr. Whitecar put me on a different nausea
medicine, which seems to be helping. |
12 Oct, Fri |
Went to the hospital for Chemo treatment
today. Treatment went much better than last weeks. Made it
home safe and sound. I forgot to post a couple of pictures from last
week. So here is my getting my CT scan on 5 Oct.

Then I always have to have my blood tests done.

And then it is off to get the actual chemo treatment.

10 Oct, Wed |
Dr. Whitecar released me from the hospital this
morning. He gave me some extra pain-killers and told me to get lots
of rest before the chemo treatment on Friday. So we shall see how
the rest of the week goes. |
8 Oct, Mon |
Lars is still in the hospital and has been moved from
clear liquids to a whole liquid diet. Last night was a good night
although he is still requiring antibiotics, morphine and anti-nausea
medication. His pain in the colon and abdomen area is not as sever
as yesterday. |
6 Oct, Sat |
Dr. Whitecar stopped by at 0900 and said that the
radiologist is going to come in and look at yesterdays CT scans - side by
side. He is going to keep Lars at the hospital until he figures out why
Lars is having the pains. |
5 Oct, Fri |
0800 we a CT Scan and then we went over to the Cancer Institute
for Lars' first week of round two of chemo.
There was no improvement from Lars' last CT scan which means the
tumors in his liver have not grown. We had a good meeting with Dr.
Whitecar and then into the chemo bay. Half way through chemo Lars
started to get stabbing pains in his colon area. This was brought to
the attention of the nurse, but Lars was allowed to come home. On
the drive home he started to have the stabbing pains again and threw up as
we pulled into the driveway. Afterwards he seemed to feel better - I
contacted Dr. Whitecar anyway and he said if Lars felt nauseous or threw
up again to call him. Lars slept most the day and then around
7 PM he started to feel nauseous, threw up again, and started to have the
stabbing pains again. Contacted Dr. Whitecar and he told us to go to
the emergency room. Lars told Whitecar that he did not know if this
is a normal for chemo and Whitecar said that you base normal off what your
last chemo treatment was like and for Lars this is not normal.
Lars was admitted to the hospital and they did another CT scan to
make sure he does not have a perforated (? correct terminology) ulcer or
irritated colon. Plus they pulled blood for testing.
Lars was given morphine for the pain and anti-nausea drugs and admitted to
the hospital. The radiologist was faxed the CT scan and from his
memory he thought they looked the same. |
2 Oct, Tue |
Still feeling good overall. Had to go in for my
Medical Evaluation Board physical. What this means is that the Air
Force has decided to medically retire me. This process can take
several months, so I will probably still be on active duty until February
or March, maybe April. |
1 Oct, Mon |
Since it has been over two weeks since my last Chemo I am
still feeling very good. I was even able to put in almost a full
days work today. It feels good to be sort of back to normal, but now
I can only imagine what this Friday's Chemo treatment is going to do to
I will keep you posted. Elizabeth and I are going to take
advantage of my good energy, and the close proximity of grandparents, and
we are going out to dinner this evening. Again, this something that
we really have not done for several months. |