Please see the Latest Info page for details about Lars' Funeral and Memorials. The funeral will take place in Cape Girardeau Missouri on 29 November. I am double checking times today and will then post. Elizabeth and I have decided to create a couple of pages on our website to post information about my medical condition. We decided to do this because there has been so many people who have called, emailed, stopped by, etc that it is just impossible to keep everyone in the loop. With these pages everyone can get the most up to date information as soon as possible. These updates are in the form of a diary. I will always post the most recent information at the top of the page. Just a brief warning that I am putting everything I know on these pages. I think it is important to not pull any punches with this. So now you have been warned.
Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Toftemark.Com Saturday, 24 November 2001 09:23 AM