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30 Sep, Sun Not so fast on the feel good stuff.  I still feel great today, but I think I overworked my abdominal muscles.  I had forgotten that I had not been able to work out for the past 4 - 5 months.  Lots of stiffness and soreness, luckily the pain medication works good for that also.
29 Sep, Sat Woke up feeling great this morning.  Elizabeth and I went to the gym and worked out.  I just walked a few miles on the treadmill.  It was also the one of the most beautiful days as far as the weather goes.  Had a great lunch downtown with Elizabeth, the twins, and my in-laws.  Then I thought I would take the opportunity of my good energy, and the good weather, and washed both of our cars.  This is no small project when one of them is a Suburban.  
25 Sep, Tue Went to work again today, for a little longer this time.  Everything is about the same at home.  Nausea still making it hard to eat as much as I want, but I need to get as many calories as possible.  Not a fun predicament. 

Had a bit of a problem last night.  My temperature got up to 100.6 degrees.  Called Dr. Whitecar and he had me take a Tylenol.  About an hour later my fever broke and I had to lay in bed and sweat for a while.  After that I slept pretty well.

24 Sep, Mon Went into work for a while today.  Good to see everyone, but still hard to concentrate for long periods of time, just too tired.

Had an appointment with the hospital's registered dietician.  Trying to learn what I can do to stop my weight loss.  I use to run between 230 and 235, at my lowest I was 205.  Right now I am around 210, but trying to get it higher.

21 Sep, Fri Went to a class offered at the Cancer Clinic entitled "I Can Cope."  It provides a lot of very good information about what the patient should expect, and what the family can do to help.  It was a good class, and I came away with a lot of helpful information.
20 Sep, Thu Really not much to report.  I get up several times a night and am still having night sweats.  The nausea comes and goes in waves.  Last night it set in about 4 AM and made sleep very difficult until my medication kicked in.  

As for future treatments I will not get any more chemotherapy until Friday, 5 Oct.  At 8 AM that morning I will go to the Cancer Clinic and start the day with a CT scan.  This will let Dr. Whitecar know how the treatments have been going.  If everything goes as planned then I will begin my second round of chemo that morning at about 9:30.  Between now and then it is just a lot of resting and waiting. 

19 Sep, Wed Went into work for a while today.  It is amazing how winded I get just walking the distance from my car, up a flight of stairs, and to my office.  After that I came home and took a long afternoon nap.
15 Sep, Sat Okay, today the side effects of yesterdays chemo have set in.  Lots of fatigue, nausea, and a metallic taste in my mouth.  None of which are unexpected, but none of which are fun either.  I have spent most of the day napping because I did not get a lot of sleep last night.

They are pumping some fairly toxic stuff into my body so some side effects are to be expected.  The only difference is that this is the first time I took chemo on an out patient basis.  The previous two times I believe the morphine helped gloss over some of the side effects.

14 Sep, Fri Received

To clear up a little confusion last week I said my white blood cell count was at 696, thus I couldn't get chemo.  I found out today that in fact last week my white blood cell count was 2900, but my Absolute Nutrifil Count (ANC) was 696.  There several different kinds of white blood cells and the ANC is what they measure to determine if I can receive chemo.  So this week my white blood cell count was 5800, and my ANC was 3190 (it needs to be above 1000).  

The chemo went great and I came home and had a nice dinner with Elizabeth, my folks, and the kids.

13 Sep, Thu Things are still going as normal.  Not much to report, except that I am anxious to go in for tomorrows chemo.  Hopefully my white blood cell count has rebounded so I am able to receive another chemo treatment.

On another note, obviously after Tuesdays cowardly attack they stopped all flying here at Columbus AFB.  Since we are a pilot training base then not much happens when we are not flying.  This afternoon the planes were back in the air as we heard the repeated sound of jet engines as they fly over our house on the downwind leg of their landing pattern.  It is good to once again hear the jet engine noise, or as we in the Air Force refer to it, the "sound of freedom."

11 Sep, Tue My little cancer problem does not seem quite so bad today.  Spent most of the day resting and watching the news.
9 Sep, Sun The entire family got up for church this morning.  It was great to see everyone at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.  They all had great words of encouragement and support.  

Not much else going on today so I thought I would show everyone my Vein Access Devise (VAD).  This is a tube that is installed in my upper right chest.  It is very handy for taking blood samples out, or putting saline, morphine, antibiotics, and chemotherapy in.  With this VAD there is no need to keep sticking me in the arm, which is a welcome relief.

Tube_1.jpg (103267 bytes)              Tube_2.jpg (74991 bytes)

8 Sep, Sat A quiet day of watch college football.  Elizabeth and I went out to lunch.  It is nice to have the grandparents here to baby sit while we get a little private time.  Looks like Erik is getting his third tooth while Katherine is just getting her first.
7 Sep, Fri Sort of a let down today.  I went in for my third round of chemo and they start off with blood tests.  The blood tests came back showing that I had a white blood cell count of 696.  That needs to be above 1000 before the doctor will give me chemo.  If it falls below 500 he will put me on stronger anti-biotic medicine.  This means that my third chemo treatment has been postponed until next Friday afternoon.  While talking to the doctor he still seemed very up-beat, saying that I look the best that he has seen me.  So that is always good to hear.
6 Sep, Thu Quiet day of resting.  It is amazing that I can get a full nights sleep and still take a two hour nap in the middle of the day.

One good thing is that my medicine list has been dropped to only two.  The first pill continues to try and control infection and fever.  Because the first pill is so strong the second pill protects my stomach from the first pill.  This is much better than when I was taking 5 different pills which were all on different schedules (take every four hours, twice daily, every six hours, etc.)

Headed for my third chemo treatment tomorrow.  This will be the first time that I take chemo on an out patient basis.  It will be interesting to see how that goes.

5 Sep, Wed Fairly good day, except one of the unfortunate side-affects of chemo is occasional diarrhea.  At the first sign I have a very strict regime of Imodium AD that I must take.  This includes setting my wristwatch alarm to wake myself up every four hours at night to take more medication.
4 Sep, Tue As of 9:30 AM this morning I have gone over 24 hours with out an abdominal muscle spasm.  Nights are still not restful but they are getting better.  For the first time last night I laid on my right side.  Due to the pain this had been completely unthinkable just a couple of days ago.

Still do not have a lot of energy, but even that is returning slowly.

3 Sep, Mon  Well, I (Lars) am back home from the hospital.  So I can help Liz out with the page updates.  In helping out have broken the pages into "August" & "Latest Info."  This way the pages will load more quickly.  I have also gone back and added several photos to the August page, so check back there for those updates.

 Dr. Whitecar said that blood tests show that I am no longer malnourished.  There is something in the blood called Albumin, which should measure "3" showing a person has normal nourishment.  My Albumin had dropped to 1.8.

2 Sep, Sun Dr. Whitecar stopped by the hospital room and reported that Lars' liver enzymes were dropping back down towards normal.  The enzymes were never abnormally high, but high enough to be concerned about.  This means the liver is slowly returning to normal function, which is another good sign.

Muscle spasms are fewer, further between, and with less intensity.  Also, for most of the day my temperature has been in the under 100 degrees.

I took the kids up to the hospital to visit with Lars.  Seeing them always seems to raise his spirits.

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1 Sep, Sat Lars had a good night.  No side effects from the Chemo.  He is still experiencing muscle spasms.  

1100 Dr. Whitecar makes round and informs Lars that he finally got a chance to review the CAT Scan results this morning and the tumors look smaller than last week.  WONDERFUL NEWS  Drew more blood for analysis.

Dr. Whitecar said that this chemo will either work fast or not at all.  It appears to be working.  Keep praying that it works.

Still don't know why Lars has a fever and are still trying to control the spasms.  Dr. Whitecar is not going to release Lars until the spasms are under control and he knows what is causing the fever.




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Monday, 01 October 2001 06:35 PM